
Words by Montserrat Caballe, Music by Freddie Mercury and Mike Moran

En mi sueño te vi               | In my dream I saw you
Tu luz llegaba de tan lejos     | Your light came from so far
                                |         away
Tu voz penetra en mi            | Your voice penetrates in me
Vibra en ti                     | Vibrates in you
Vibra en mi                     | Vibrates in me
Suavemente me llevaba a ti      | Gently it led me towards you
Oi el sonido                    | I heard the sound
Tu voz dulcemente               | Your voice sweetly
Me decia "Ven"                  | Was telling me "come"
"Ven junto a mi"                | "Come close to me"
Volver a vivir                  | To come back to life	
Saber que mi sueño no esta solo | To know that my dream is not
                                |         alone
Alienta en ti                   | It breathes in you
Tu y yo cantados los dos        | You and I, both singing
                                |         together
Yo sonaba en ser tu mismo mar   | I dreamed of being your sea
Tu mar                          | Your sea
Es puente de union              | Is the bridge that joins
De nuestras almas               | Our souls
Vuelan,nos llaman               | They fly, they call us
Al son de la eternidad          | At the sound of eternity.