Entry status
Every entry in the discography is assigned a status which is
intended to indicate the probability that the record does or
does not exist. I have tried to make the discography a union
of many collection lists, and therefore most entries should
be completely reliable. However, many juicy and tempting records fall outside
these criteria, and the discography would not be useful if
these were not included (many people will say it is not useful
at all!). Therefore, I have indicated which records I have
seen, and which I have just heard about.
The entry statuses used are as follows:
An entry is given a status of "definite" if I, or someone
I know very well, has a copy of the record. Therefore, I can
be 100% sure that it does exist
An entry is given a status of "report" if someone I don't
know claims to have the record, or someone knows someone who
has a copy, but has never actually seen it.
The record probably does exist, but
I can't be absolutely certain.
An entry is a down the pub "rumour" if someone knows
someone who's friend's neighbour's teacher's grandmother once
saw a copy, honest guv. The record could well exist, but there
no firm evidence.
An entry status of "advert" means that the only evidence for
the existence of the record is that it was once seen on
someone's "for sale" list. It could exist, or it could be
a hoax or a mistake by the seller
The bootleg discography breaks down as follows...
- definite (327 entries)
- report (11 entries)
A number of other tabulations are available: