Limited editions
Worldwide distributions of limited edition releases, where known. The
numbers come from the Official Fan Club, and so are very likely to be
Made In Heaven (ivory vinyl)
UK 30000
Italy 7500
Germany 3000
Benelux 2200
Greece 1500
France 1000
Spain 1000
Norway 600
Denmark 500 (OIQFC says 50 but must be too low)
Australia 250
Portugal 150
Mexico 100
New Zealand 100
Finland 75
Israel 30
===== =====
Total 48005
Adding on a few countries not given (e.g. Sweden) gives an issue of roughly
50000. However, some of the numbers look very dubious. The ratios of numbers
from Scandinavian countries Nor:Swe:Den:Fin is 600:0:500:75, which looks
suspicious when compared to the same ratio for the box set (30:788:50:30).
The only conclusion is that the fan club's information is completely
up the spout.
The Ultimate Queen Box Set
UK 3000
Germany 1850
Australia 1200
Benelux 1200
Brazil 1000
Japan 900
France 875
Sweden 788 (I bet this number is wrong)
Italy 300
South Africa 200
Thailand 200
New Zealand 150
Spain 130
Singapore 100
South Korea 90
Denmark 50
Hong Kong 50
Taiwan 50
Mexico 40
Norway 30
Finland 30
Colombia 15
Venezuela 14
Greece 12
Argentina 10
Chile 10
Israel 7
Saudi Arabia 5
===== =====
Total 12306
The issue was supposed to be 15000 worldwide. It was definitley issued in
America so that should be where some of the shortfall has gone.