Then Brian added a guitar choir,with eight tracks (eight guitars). Roger added
a percussion-overdub track with triangle, high and low Woodblocks and a
snare-roll played with brushes (on the "one,two,three,four...." part)
Then Brian,Freddie and Roger did the backing-vocals on multiple tracks (three or so).
These are the last two tracks:
- On the main vocal-track Freddie sings the lead-vocals.
- On another track Freddie and Mike Stone (the engineer) sing some additional
MIKE:"Hey boy,where d'you get it from...." and "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 o'clock"
FREDDIE:"There he goes again,there's my good old fashioned lover boy ooh ooh"
John plays his famous Fender precision-bass on this song.